Thursday, September 2, 2010

The wedding

I know it has been so long since our last post. We have been very busy at the store getting ready for the quilt show in Madison, WI. Remember, it is next week on Sept.9,10 and 11 at the Alliant Energy Center. If there is any way you can get there, it is well worth your while. We will be in booth 99 and 100. We have lots of new patterns we will be debuting and we have all been working day and night to get ready.--I am wondering where the summer went. It was definitely a memorable summer for me. My son, Chad, married Sarah Schierer on July 24th at Kickapoo Winery near Peoria, IL. In the outdoor rehearsal picture, I was watching them practice and when I looked up, there was a beautiful rainbow over them. It still gives me goosebumps! The wedding went off without a hitch! It was such a wonderful time to share with family and friends. At the next wedding, I will take more pictures of the bride and groom together. I kept thinking, "I'll get those pictures from the photographer." So, I don't have lots of pictures of Chad and Sarah together, but I'm sure you can get the idea!! - I was reading on one of my favorite blogs - Jill Savage - and she was saying how we wonder how our children grow up so fast. When our children are younger and people tell us to enjoy our children because they DO grow up fast, we think, "Yah, Yah, Yah!" I have to say that when I was looking through pictures for the wedding I really wondered how the time did go so fast. Would I do anything different if I had to do it again? Probably. I would worry less about a clean house and having everything just so. I have always walked to the beat of a different drum. I am not very routine - imagine that! I just love watching mothers who are soooooooo organized. I tried so hard to keep everything in order (and spun my wheels more often than not)and just should have thrown it all in the wind! I am glad though that we always took vacations and spent lots of time with our extended families and friends. So many memories!!!
Well, lots to do so better get back to kits, kits and more kits.


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