Sunday, August 7, 2011

Wanna See?

We just have to post a few more pics of the new shop. We are ready to open tomorrow, August 8 at 10 a.m. We are thrilled with the results of the many hours of work. And we are thankful to all the people who have helped us along the way!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Almost Ready

We are almost ready in many ways at Quilter's Garden & Sassy Sisters. Beth & Carol are getting ready to go to Quilt Expo in Madison, so there are many new samples in the shop. Our top sellers are the Shannon Cuddle quilts. You might want to give them a consideration for quick and easy Christmas gift giving. We are also ready for Garden Club next week. BTW, have you been wanting to join the club? September starts our new year for club. Why not visit in August to see what all we do and consider joining us? You have been invited!!!!
Also, the new shop is very nearly ready to open. We didn't get the photo posted a couple weeks ago after the carpet was installed. Sorry bout that! But, the change is now very dramatic. Clothing is everywhere! We have been having a blast unpacking garments each day! We are aiming for August 8 to open, so watch for the posts!

Friday, July 15, 2011

Three Days Ago

We didn't get it done earlier this week, but wanted to share three days ago in Sassy Sisters. Carol and Beth have been spending late nights painting right after the carpenters complete each part of the work. The door is laying on the floor and the painted trim is almost ready to be installed. Check back later today as you will be amazed at the transformation that was completed with carpet laying yesterday!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Progress Continues

Whew! The doorway between our current and new building is now framed in. We love seeing the daily progress. We will be painting the fitting rooms soon. See the slatwall stacked in the middle of the room? That will be on all the walls soon. Oooooh! Can't wait to see how this all comes together! The clothing and jewelry is even starting to arrive! We love seeing the items coming in and ooh and aah just like we hope you will! Keep posted.......

Friday, July 1, 2011

photos of Sassy Sisters

Oops, sorry we forgot to post the pics!

Sassy Sisters Progressing

Things are really happening at Sassy Sisters. Will we be open by August 1? We sure hope so! The doorway between the two buildings will be open by this evening. Can you believe the carpenters are working their way through 5 layers of bricks? Sounds crazy, but it's true! What was once a kitchen is now fitting rooms. Some painting and a few more minor fix-it projects are all that is needed before the carpet is installed. Stay tuned........

Friday, May 13, 2011

Day 1-Salt Lake City

WOW! What a market! The market is 29 aisles long. We just barely got through it at 6:00 PM. We saw soooooooo much that it is hard to know where to begin. We have seen lots of stitchery and applique. We are very excited about a stitchery BOM from This N That that we purchased. We have seen lots of tote bags and when I get back to our room, we will begin the process of narrowing it down. Of course we were wowed by the Shannon booth. They did not disappoint us. They were even showing rugs made out of the Shannon Cuddle fabric! The colors on the floor seem to be much brighter. We did see a beautiful Civil War line. It is done by Wilmington. It had some beautiful blue tones in it. Tonight we went to the Moda party. It is always quite a spread of food. The topping to our meal was a Russian Custard. It was so good that Beth talked the waiter into having two servings! I am not joking! Be sure and ask her how the dessert was. I'm going to Google that recipe when I get home. Well, I better get back up to the room to start the process of looking over everything we saw today. It is a tough job, but someone has to do it!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

We Are Here!

We arrived in cold Salt Lake City this afternoon. We had a good flight and it is so cool to see the mountains. You can still see the snow on them. The tulips are in full bloom and there is some blooming tree that is gorgeous. Sorry, I didn't get that gene from my dad! He knows what every tree is. Anyway, everything is a beautiful green. - Tonight we walked to a mall and ate at a Southwestern Grill. Of course we ran into another shop owner and asked her to dine with us. That is the best part of quilt market. She was from Alaska and was getting us pumped for our Alaskan cruise in August of 2012. - We don't have our own computer with us. It is so heavy and hard to travel with, but I will try and explain in detail what we see when market opens. - Because the bus trip we usually take was the same as four years ago, we decided to make our own quilt adventure tomorrow. Hoping to go to Gardner Village which is the home of Pine Needles. The motel is going to try and figure a way for us to get there by bus and train. Sure hope we don't end up in Nevada! I think if we start going over mountains that will be a clue to turn around!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Off To Market

We're crazy at the store today. We are packing and getting everything ready for the girls while we are in Salt Lake City, Utah. I always laugh when everyone says, "Oh, how fun!" Yes, it is fun as we get to be with all of our cronies, but it is a work-out. I always think I'm going to wear a pedometer, but always forget. It literally takes us 3 days to work the market. Think of a football field full of booths! Beth will be taking her computer so stay tuned to the blog as we share market with you. I am sooooo excited to see what is new!


Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Moving Day

Things are underway for Sassy Sisters, our women's clothing store! Beth and I spent a day in Chicago looking for fixtures. We were very lucky to have found just what we wanted. We had to get the fixtures last week so we motored up to Joliet to get them. To make a long story short, we ended up taking my husband's livestock trailer and it worked perfect! Thank God we both married a Country Boy! Isn't that how the song goes? Due to the wonderful rain we kept having, Marty had a tarp that fit from one side of the trailer to the other side. I told him our boys would have been so proud of him by the way he had everything tied up with twine in his "Boy Scout" knots! Of course we kind of looked like the Beverly Hillbillies heading to town, but it worked! Even our ol' diesel with 300,000 miles made it. Beth had to have a little help from Cary to get into it as her legs aren't quite as long as mine. As you can see, the fixtures were all tied up and we didn't have one scratch on anything. You can see in the pictures Beth, Cary and Marty working and I was supervising and giving orders. Thank goodness Cary and Beth have room at their farm to store everything until we are ready to bring it all to town! Well, lots to do before we leave for market so better get back at it.


P.S. Oh, I had the greatest day! My college friend, Sally Lessen, visited the store while she was on Easter break from teaching. We had a blast. Marty said he wished he could have been there so he could have tried to get one word in! -

P.S.S. Just had to put in my new picture of Brayden with my parents on Easter. Marty calls me "kissy koo!" I just can't quit kissing those cheeks!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Where is spring?

Brrrrrrr! The only good things about this cold weather is it makes me want to quilt! I'm working on a gift for a wedding and I can't wait to get it done. It is a fun tumbler pattern and I think the bride will really like it. Aren't weddings fun? The only problem is I will be in Salt Lake City the weekend of the wedding. I guess you can't do everything, but darn! So, since I can't do everything, I am really trying to prioritize. I think if I make lists, I feel better prepared. Beth and I are pulling together things for Garden Club and have so many new ideas for our bright fabrics. Sew much to do! - Yesterday we motored to Chicago to get fixtures for our new store. Of course we always brainstorm and get our agenda for what needs to be done. We have really been trying to clean. How do we accumulate so much? Make sure you check out our barrel the next time you are in. You just never know what will be in it! - Well, back to the quilt. Hope you enjoy more pictures from our retreat! Be sure and wish Jeannie Baby Casey a Happy Birthday. Her birthday won't be as planned as she had to have surgery on her hip/leg and will be recuperating in Liberty Village in Peru.

Ta,Ta for now!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Spring is just around the corner!

We are just basking in the sunshine and warmer weather around here. It just gives a little lift to your step! Our retreat was such a hit at Wise Guys. We had a wonderful time with 46 women in attendance. We have booked for next year on March 23 and 24 so mark your calendars now. Everyone got so much accomplished. Beth taught a quilt by Edyta Sitar using the 60 degree ruler. We always love more than one way to use a ruler! I taught the 10 Minute block. My quilt was made with jelly rolls, but I've posted a picture of Ginger and her quilt was made with layer cakes. Many also made our Friday night mystery project - a quilted project bag. They all learned an easy method of inserting a zipper. If you need a gift for a quilter or stitcher, this would be a great idea! - Last night Beth and I motored to Chesterton, Indiana for an Aunt Sewzy program. What a delightful group of ladies! These ladies have donated over $10,000 to the Ahlheimer's Association through quilt donations. WOW!!! Quilters are wonderful no matter where you roam. Enjoy the pictures from our retreat. Till next time......

Ta, Ta,

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Getting Ready for the Retreat

Hey all,
The final plans are almost in place for our retreat. We are so looking forward to it. Wise Guys has been wonderful to work with and to just drive down the street! AWESOME!! Beth and I have our projects quilted. I have to say they look mighty fine! I am doing the 10 minute block and it literally takes 10 minutes! The process to make it has been so much fun. I wonder if the lady who designed it ever sleeps! It is such a neat technique. Beth is doing an Edyta Sitar pattern with the 60 degree ruler. I know many of you have this ruler and the quilt is stunning. Be sure and stop in the store next week and see our new additions. Well, off to finish a few last minute things.

Ta Ta,
Carol and Beth

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Quilting takes a back seat!

Just had to do a quick post to let you know that my quilting has been on the back burner because I just had my first grandson! Wow, it is wonderful!!!! Brayden Chad Keller was born on Feb. 25 and weighed 8 lbs. 9 oz. The week after he was born was a blur as we were getting ready for the quilt show in town. Cary (Beth's husband) says we just move from crisis to crisis! Anyway, back to Brayden--he has lots of dark hair. Marty(my husband) says he has more hair than him! How fun it is to hold him and have him snuggle. I'm having a hard time focusing as all I think about is that cute little guy. I bought him a few outfits last weekend as he is growing so fast and Sarah said I had already purchased the one with -I dig Grandma- on it. Oh well!! Well, must get back to quilting. We are getting ready for our retreat on the last weekend of March and I must get my project ready.

Till next time,

Thursday, February 17, 2011

A Few from the Carribean!

Wow,I was looking through our pictures from the cruise and wishing I was back there! I just had to post the picture of Beth with the beautiful blue water in the background. It is such an awesome color! The other pictures are Wendy, Beth, Marty and I climbing the Dunn's River Falls. It was quite an experience. You literally relied on your team members to help you get up the falls. It was a 950 ft. climb. A few times we needed a good push from the person behind us. Isn't quilting like that? It seems I always get more done when I have a "little push" from a friend and always get more done when I'm sewing with a group. Well, that is a little lie. Beth would say I get more talking done! I just love the camaraderie of quilting buddies. - Well, I need a little push to get our things ready for our Aunt Sewzy program in Ottawa tonight.

Till next time,

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Love this weather!

O.K.- it has been way too long since I last posted and am going to try and do better. I just ran down the street for lunch and I am sure loving this weather. Of course it doesn't measure up to being on the cruise, but it is sure an improvement. - Beth and I have been busy getting ready for the Princeton Quilt Show. It is the first weekend of March and will be here before we know it. We have lots of new projects and are really trying to focus on the fast, fun and easy ones. - Our retreat is at the end of the month and we are both finishing our blocks to send those off to Janice to quilt. Remember, if you need a great quilter, we have one! She is putting the quilt I made for my new grandson on the frame today. He is due any day now. She asked me just how long have I known I was going to have a grandson? Some things never change. Sew much to do, sew little time. - I am working on another baby quilt for my neighbor and have had a ball appliqueing with my new Pfaff. Having the pressure foot lift on it's own makes everything soooooo easy. I am actually making two of them so I can have one for the store. - Tomorrow night we do our Aunt Sewzy program for the Ottawa guild. It is called, "Aunt Sewzy Goes to the Demo." Beth and I always have a good time when we go out and visit the guilds. Aren't quilters great?

Ta Ta,