Saturday, January 9, 2010


Beth is on her way to WARM Phoenix, Arizona? Am I jealous? NOT AT ALL!!! Well, that is a lie! I am cleaning, cleaning, cleaning. How do we accumulate all of this stuff? And, I don't even have a basement. At this time I am trying to decide if I will have a garage sale or take it all to The Closet. At this time, The Closet is winning! - I got a new Bing Crosby Christmas tape, so I am listening to it as I type. I just can't turn off the Christmas music yet! I was giving my son a haircut and I said, "Do you like my music?" For some reason, my 18 year old didn't care for it! - Anyway, back to the cleaning. I found a ton of wool. I am allergic to wool. What was I thinking? I guess I thought maybe things would change. Then I finally tried on this beige pair of shoes I keep putting back in the closet for a "good" outfit. They were so tight and really pinched my toes. I couldn't have worn those if they were the only shoes I had! - Remember that we will be closed Mon., Tues., and Wed. I will be at the store on Thursday and Beth had better not call me and give me a weather report like she did last year. If she does, I may be looking for a new, nice partner! - Oh, one WARM spot today. I am meeting my best friend from college tonight in Peoria. I haven't seen her for a couple years. Sure hope we have something to talk about!!! Of course you know I am kidding! Keep Warm!!!


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